Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The First of the Season

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I went to Breckenridge last weekend for a John Fielder workshop and took nearly 500 pictures, probably 250 too many. Then, when I got home, I found this scene in my back yard, the first new fawn of the season.


  1. So tiny! Cute peeking through mom's legs.

    How was the workshop?

  2. Lynn

    This fawn wasn't too shy, but still wasn't straying too far from mom. The workshop was good, I learned quite a bit in a very short time. I'll get some shots up later in the week.


  3. I love the composition of that first shot. The baby peeking out is so cute!

  4. Kelly

    Thanks for your comment. That was actually the first shot I took and I think it was the best. That was just a lucky moment.


  5. What an incredibly precious photo! I would love to be able to get a shot like that.

  6. Genny

    I appreciate your comment, but I can't claim a lot of skill. I think it's easy to get a shot like this if your timing is just perfect, the light cooperates and you have a very cute new-born fawn as your subject. Just keep looking around, you'll see something just as good.

    Thanks again.


Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy whatever i manage to get up here and your comments are more than welcome.