Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Big Picture

This is the scenic view.

Posted by PicasaThis is the final shot.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Mountain Stream

Posted by PicasaHere's a couple of shots of a small waterfall up near Kebler Pass.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More on the Mountain

Posted by PicasaThe first shot is interesting because of the way all the trees lean up slope. I didn't notice that when I took the shot. The second shot would be pretty good except for the tree right in the middle of the mountain. I should have gone and cut it down, :) That mountain is, I think, either Ruby Peak or Mount Owen, most likely Ruby Peak.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wildflowers in The Lake Irwin Area

I've been debating about posting any of these, but this weekend, I loaded the trusty camera and headed to the mountains in search of wildflowers. I went up near the Ruby Range, near Lake Irwin, up around the 10,000 ft elevation. There were kind of slim pickin's, due to time, I didn't get great light, and my technical skill wasn't the greatest. But I'll put a few shots up in the next day or so, anyway.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Visitors in the 'hood

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This is what happens in my neighborhood when you leave your garbage cans out too long.  Driving home from an errand, I happened across this happy family celebrating their great good fortune.  If a few of these shots seem a bit shaky, there's a good reason, but I couldn't resist.

The owner of this house must have seen the garbage spread out on his lawn, but not the bears.  He came out to the bag to pick it up and looked just to his left and quickly headed back to his house.