Friday, February 27, 2009

Garden of the Gods

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I'll try this again.

Since it is, technically, still winter, I'm having to dig back in my archives for some pictures to post here, this is one example.

I chose it because, even with a mild winter we've had here in Colorado Springs, as spring and summer slowly approach it's difficult to avoid a touch of cabin fever. Nights are still cold here, and unless in direct sun, there is usually a distinct chill in the air, even on the mildest of days. So, this is a shot of Garden of the Gods that I took last summer and post now as a reminder of hope in the coming of warmer days. This is hardly a great picture, but enjoy.


  1. I think it's a wonderful picture!
    It's a view I've never seev before.

  2. Lynn

    Thanks, it's one of the first formations you see as you drive around the north end of the park. I just wish I had gotten there a little earlier in the morning, the light would have been much better.

    Thanks again, I appreciate your comment.



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