Monday, June 22, 2009

Aspens in Breckenridge

A couple more shots from the morning workshop exercises. The ideas was to look for lines, color and texture, and this is one of the locations chosen.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Turn Your Eye to the Heavens

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The first exercise of the workshop in Breckenridge was to go around town and take pictures of old buildings there. The idea was to try to develop an eye for color, texture and shape. Here's one shot.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The First of the Season

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I went to Breckenridge last weekend for a John Fielder workshop and took nearly 500 pictures, probably 250 too many. Then, when I got home, I found this scene in my back yard, the first new fawn of the season.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Couple of Random Shots

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After a longish absence, a couple of shots I got this morning.  The weather until this weekend has not cooperated at all.  It has been cool and either rainy or snowy until this weekend.  Next weekend, it's up to the mountains for a day to take in a workshop with John Fielder.  Should be a good source of material for a few weeks to come.